Sydney Mahony

TVI (Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments)

(662) 862-6180

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.                                   Helen Keller


A little info about me!

Education: University of Mississippi and University of Massachusetts-Boston

Experience: This will be my 20th year teaching with Desoto County Schools. I began teaching at DeSoto Central Elementary in a community based classroom. I then moved to Pleasant Hill Elementary and there taught students in a community based classroom, also. I then moved to Hernando Elementary, where I taught inclusion and resource.

This is my first year at Lewisburg Intermediate School and I am so excited to be a Patriot.

I am currently in my second year of teaching students with visual impairments. My official title is TVI (Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments). I travel around the county and provide services to students. 

Before teaching, I worked for many years with Special Olympics Mississippi. I have traveled many places to coach athletes in the areas of Track and Field, Aquatics, Sailing, Basketball, Bowling and Snow Skiing. I attended Special Olympics World Games in North Carolina and coached the 1999 Special Olympics Mississippi Track and Field Team for the State of Mississippi, and traveled again to North Carolina as a coach in snow skiing. 

Family: I am married to John and we have three children, Addison, Bizzie and Jack. We have two rescue dogs named Remy and Delilah.

Office Hours

I travel to schools throughout the county weekly. You may reach me on the phone listed or email. 

You may also call the front office and leave a message on my voice mail. 

Please don't hesitate to contact me! I'm here to help!